The Red Cross and the Armed Forces: Get to know us before you need us

By Rachel McDaniel

Clara Barton answered the sharp cries of war long before founding the American Red Cross. She
coordinated military hospitals on the frontlines and earned the nickname “Angel of the Battlefield.” Her
efforts carried over into the services of the American Red Cross.

The Service to Armed Forces helps community-based military members and their families
handle the separation and other special needs related to military service.

The SAF provides a medium of communication between military personnel and their families. The
Red Cross communicates news like the birth of a child or a death to those away from home. The Red
Cross also advocates on behalf of military families for financial assistance from military aid societies in
addition to negotiating emergency leave with military authorities.

Across the nation and around the world, the Red Cross provides a way for military and their families to
stay connected and to cope with the struggles the military lifestyle can bring. However, the Red Cross
can do more than assist today’s military families.

The Red Cross still responds to the hurt of battles fought half a century ago. With recently acquired
documents from World War II, the Red Cross is able to reunite families torn apart by the Nazi regime.

It all starts with contacting the Red Cross.

Visit the East Georgia Chapter website for more information on getting involved or to establish a
relationship with the Red Cross before the difficulties of military life hit the hardest and you need us.

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